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Welcome to our website.  Poppy Family Farms is a 1st generation beef operation.  We raise Black Angus, Red Angus, Simmental & Charolais breeds.  We are very committed to raising happy & healthy animals.  All of our animals are hormone free.  We sell by the 1/4, 1/2 or whole.  Coming Feb 1st, 2023....we will be selling individual cuts of meat.  Order by texting or calling Rebecca or filling out the Contact form on this website.

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Our Story

Brian and I (Rebecca) started on our farming journey before we were even married.  In 2003 we bought my grandparents farm in Omro, WI and started raising bottle-fed Holstein calves.  Only 5 at that time.  A few years down the road and 3 kids later we decided to go a different route. We sold off our 65 Holstein steers and bought our 1st 2 Black Angus heifers.  Two became 7 when we purchased a couple more heifers along with a Cow and her calf.  Over the next several years our herd has grown to 40 Cow/calf pairs and close to 200 steers for butchering!

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If interested in ordering a 1/4, 1/2 or whole, lets connect.


Sales/Marketing 920-312-0970 (Rebecca)

Producer 920-295-9000 (Brian)

2868 Morrow Rd

Omro, WI 54963

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